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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Roxana Saberi's Hunger Strike Ends

Call this a personal appeal from this American mother to the government of Iran as Roxana's legal appeal draws near.
News reports locally and nationally this morning announce that Roxana Saberi's hunger strike has ended. For health reasons, according to her father Reza Saberi.

We do not know if she ended the hunger strike, was persuaded by her family or others, learned of the 24-hour shifts of hunger strikes friends and supporters of hers had organized so that she would not have to refuse food. If the choice was hers, or made for her.

We do not know, because Roxana remains behind prison walls.

For news, we rely on her father. And occasional press events or comments by concerned representatives of the American government and recently, the Japanese government.

But mindful that Sunday is Mother's Day, I ask everyone to think of her mother, Akiko, too, as this long captivity drags on.

Meanwhile, reports are that Roxana's appeal hearing is to take place next week. I would ask that if there's a compassionate member of the Iranian government, they would use this weekend's Mother's Day to release Roxana pending appeal to share Mother's Day with Akiko.

We in her home community of Fargo-Moorhead don't care about the politics of this, the global diplomacy or the legal issues. We as a community just want to open our arms to welcome Roxana back home with her parents, Reza and Akiko.
crossposted at firedoglake's Oxdown Gazette

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