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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Repurposing Gitmo

Now that the Rethuglicans have once again fearmongered and the spineless Democrats have caved and not even tried to put up an argument, much less a fight, and the Senate has refused to give the President the funding he needs to close down Guantanamo, I have a modest proposal.

As trials are held, as prisoners are transferred...as they inevitably will be...heck, many already have been transferred out or released....

As the prison cells empty out...

I propose we consolidate the remaining Guantanamo prisoners in one section where they can be carefully guarded.

And for the empty spaces, I suggest they be declared the designated prison for any federal officials convicted of war crimes. And any and all convicted war profiteers.

No real hardship, of course...we've been assured the current occupants have better food, better healthcare than mere Americans...and those wonderful tropical breezes.

What's that you say? It'll never happen?

Well, then, the empty cells will speak volumes, too.
crossposted at firedoglake's Oxdown Gazette

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