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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Monday, May 11, 2009

Roxana Now Free

Roxana Saberi is now reunited with her parents, Reza and Akiko, and is free from prison in Iran. I'll leave to the politicians...here and in Iran...to declaim who did what to assure her release.

Lesson learned: reasoned diplomacy can play a powerful role in positive outcomes.

Just added this comment over at FDL, where I've been crossposting about Roxana:

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my posts about Roxana...lots of excitement around Fargo as you can imagine. Statements are already out by Senator Dorgan, Sec. of State Clinton. And hometown neighbors talking to talk radio. And each other!

Fargo, North Dakota's a beautiful place to come home to...the sandbagging's just about cleaned up...the Fargo Marathon Saturday was a big success...and the welcome home for Roxana will be exuberant.

But as we are reminded, journalists in Iran...and North Korea...still languish in prison for simply doing their job. These are the heroes of free speech and reporters of history-as-it-is-made, and we owe all of them a great debt.

Well-cushioned press princelings and princesses who preen in Teh Village and NYC would do well to take greater note.

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