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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Monday, May 18, 2009

Prairie Recommends: The Torture Thirteen

Marcy Wheeler/emptywheel has compiled a comprehensive index to the most reprehensible of the Bush-Cheney Administration's torture team leaders. You can read about it over at salon.com

And diarist cbl2 over at firedoglake's Oxdown Gazette gives a milepost Jaw Dropping: to a further detailed torture resource from Batocchio blogging as Vagabond Scholar.

With so much information "out there" and being indexed and compiled by the blogging community, you'd think the media elites of Teh Inbred Village of DeeCee would be all over this story. Instead, the dismissive-sniffery of the Usual Suspects [aka gasbag pundits and their ilk] have decried the blogs.

So now that MoDo's been caught cribbin' from Josh Marshall and his Talking Points Memo, maybe there's only one thing to say: it's a start....
UPDATE: Froomkin adds another perspective to counter the torture apologists' ticking time bomb bamboozlement--call it the I-think-therefore-I-am-a-god complex most recently exemplified by the ridiculous and offensive torture lovefest of Chris Matthews and Donny Deutsch.
crossposted at firedoglake's Oxdown Gazette: Blogosphere Chipping Away at Torture Apologists

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