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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Had a bit of a tough day? Well, who hasn't, what with NBC starting out the morning bustin' its buttons over its "gold standard" polling in the state of Michigan that showed a dead heat for Obama and McCain at 46.

And then there was the political stunt theatre of McCain swooping into town like Batman, er, Robin, er, Mighty Mouse? To save the day? Well, not so much. More like throw the financial bailout conversation into total uproar. Obama had the right instincts on this one, folks. Injecting presidential-campaign grandstanding into the process serves nobody's interest. No wonder Bush is quick to help out his doppelganger McCain...it may be Dubya's only chance for a president even worse than he is.

So to tide you over until the next round of lies and/or kerfuffles from the flailin' McCain-Palin crowd, here's a bit o'cheery news: the Detroit Free Press shows Obama with a 13-point lead over McCain.

And then there's this little picture of the road to nowhere brought to us courtesy CNN via the folks at propublica.org. Can't think of a better metaphor...or karma...for the dead-enders at the McCain-Palin campaign.


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