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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What Really Happened to Hill?

Did Laura Bush ruin Hillary Clinton's presidential hopes? Oh, I know, there are a plethora of pundits positing that Rush came to Hillary's rescue with his Operation Chaos.

But could it be the more meaningful factor was the Current First Lady doing in the Previous First Lady? Has Laura been secretly simmering ever since Hillary made that comment that "it takes a Clinton to clean up after a Bush"?

Is that why the usually publicity-reticent Laura the Librarian abandoned her customary backstage role to appear in the White House Press Room and give the smackdown to the generals of Myanmar? Did Laura launch into the Politics of Screed in a cleverly contrived effort to foreshadow what it could be like with a woman president stopping by the press room to bully the pulpit?

Or was it really that Bushie had no cred at all to talk about Myanmar given Katrina...and no cojones at all to face the press so he sent out Laura instead?

Hey, after an evening of hearing what the Very Important Pundits inside the Beltway have been pontificating about the presidential run, I figure one more opinion can't make it any more yadda, yadda....

h/t to the incomparable Froomkin at the WaPoo

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