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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Red-Tailed Balk

Okay, this little "postcard" is for sheer funsies, because who could resist writing a headline like that. Of course, we're talking a very serious issue for Prairie Country, and that's gateways...to the world.

For many of us hereabouts, Northwest Airlines and their airlinks are the only game in town and country. So their recent merger talks with Delta Airlines have unsettled more than a few. Travelers, yes, but also the folks who staff the hub and headquarters operations in the Twin Cities. And the customer service phone folk up on the Range where NWA is the economy these days.

We're breathing a little sigh of relief that the pilots of the two airlines can't seem to agree on how to merge their seniority lists. But the subtext is unmistakable. Merger means lost jobs.

Lost paychecks, but also fears of fewer flights, higher prices for less service, and lost connections. Gateways matter. And big birds matter these days.

So the possibility that the big bird that is Northwest may keep its red-tailed self is good news for Prairie Country.

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