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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kiss My Arse

Sources say that Bill Clinton stays bitter about Obama, telling close confidantes that Obama will have to "kiss my ass" to get Bill Clinton's support.

Well, Bill, as one of millions of Americans who stood by you while you made a jerk of yourself over a cheap thrill in the Oval Office. One who joined in urging the country to MoveOn. One who voted for you twice... Kiss my ass.

Your shoddy race-card tactics may have served you well getting elected in Arkansas or in the Old South in the 20th Century. But the country's grown past you. You are an ex-president.

Your petulance is unbecoming.

Especially because it's patently obvious this has a lot less to do with whether or not Hillary won the nomination, and a whole lot more to do with the reality that you are not the top dog any more.

So you can sit on the sidelines in your own poo, petulant and pouting, or you can suck it up and act presidential. Post-presidential.

Because whether or not Obama wins in November—and I'll be working with millions of other Americans to try to assure that he does—the Clinton Era is over.

And good riddance.

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