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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Monday, September 1, 2008

Thanks, Neighbor


What does it say about the state of our ability to take care of ourselves as a nation that a Canadian Forces C-17 has landed in New Orleans prepared to evacuate medically vulnerable persons?

That we are so vulnerable as a country that we cannot provide for ourselves the basic functions of government.

Think Chertoff or Bush or McSame-ol', Same-ol' or the vastly executive-experienced Sarah Barracuda will be asked about this? Or, let's be bi-partisan...this all falls under the watchful eye of the Senate committee "co-chaired" by L'il Joey Lieberman and Susan Collins. What's this say about their malfeasance?

Maybe immigrant bashers like Lou Dobbs would like to chime in with an opinion.... or will the Vapid Vapors McCainstream Media simply cover their eyes and ears and pretend the vast Oz-ian curtain isn't there....

Country First? Nevahmind....

And has anybody taken the time to say "thank you"?

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Thank God SOMEONE cares about our brothers and sisters in Louisiana.