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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Prairie's Reading: This Is Important

his is not the first piece I've seen or heard of late about how important this election is, how focused and thought-full we must be in the face of red herrings and gossip and trivia. But Anna Quindlen in Newsweek says it in a way that cuts through the spin and talking points and buffoonery we see and hear too much of on cable teevee and talk radio
I don't need the president to be my friend. I have friends. What I need is someone to clean up the mess George W. Bush has made of the country I love.
* * *
Here is the only thing about anyone's kids that matters now: every time you vote you make your kids a promise. It's a promise that you will look past cheap slogans and lazy alliances to try to find a way to make America worthy of a new generation. And if we keep that promise in November, we not only keep faith with our children, we keep faith with the country.
Wisdom from Quindlen...will it be drowned out by the ranters and screamers and shills?

That's pretty much up to who we choose to listen to...and that's the most important choice of all.

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