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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Monday, August 25, 2008

Rawk-us Blue Jays

Got a neat little lesson in the ways of the world and politics this weekend in the tall timber. Just minutes after replenishing the bird feeders, we were a-swarm with blue jays, raucous, swoopin' and divin', and gathering more and more.

Kinda like a certain gathering beginning out to the west of Prairie Country.

Caught by surprise, we did a little googling to find out what was happening.

Turns out, blue jays tend to divide up in smaller groups in the springtime contending for their mates ... courtship groups. Which would explain the onesies and two-sies who've shared our bountiful bird feeders throughout the spring and summer.

And those primaries and caucuses and choosin' up candidates....

And now, all those singletons and duos and courtship groups of blue jays have come together into one glorious feeding flock ... Blue is risin' ... let the celebration begin.
Now excuse me while I go stock up on the tissues...tonight's going to be an historic night.

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