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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Prairie's Readin': Alter on the "smear gap"

The case that McCain lied about his intentions to run a civil campaign, seems to me, is readily apparent by his strategy hires and the cronies he's brought into his campaign...the same lowlifes responsible for labelling his adopted Bangladeshi daughter the family bastard in 2000.

Jonathan Alter minces no words in discussing the "smear gap" of the McCain campaign and lays blame on two fronts...McCain himself—and the media who enable him.

But the fault, notes Alter, lies in candidate McCain, who has compromised all the principles he's professed to uphold in order to win the White House. Like me, Alter wants to see the much-vaunted McCain honor instead of the sleaze.

If not, win or lose, we'll know who the bastard is.

UPDATE: Josh over at TPM adds this thought about the company McCain keeps.

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