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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Monday, August 18, 2008

Question of the Day...Cone of Silence = Macaca?

As the buzz swirls through the blogosphere about John McCain being AWOL from the "cone of silence," Rick Davis and the McCain campaign are wavin' their arms and ranting and "working the refs" about even the slightest implication that John McCain cheated in the Faith Forum.

Meanwhile, McCain himself is down in Florida, speaking to the VFW, and once again saying that Obama would lose a war to win the White House. His henchman, Little Lie-bee, too, has been questioning the patriotic integrity of the Democratic presumptive nominee.

What part of "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" don't these Re-thugs understand? Evidently the Commandments/Decalogue are not part of their faith walk. They talk values and faith and ethics, but they walk the walk of Cheat-to-Win.

So the question is, is the Cone of Silence lie John McCain's Macaca moment?

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