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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Monday, April 4, 2011

Launch Monday

President Obama launches his re-election campaign today.
Laura Bush is Todaying her book tour.
Tim Pawlenty is pushing his inner Mad Men.

So I've got a couple questions.

How much delay in the Mideast democracy movement was because of Bush's willful invasion and botched strategy for after in Iraq? The intelligence was not wrong. The intelligence-manipulators were.

When will the old media start looking at the botched economy Pawlenty left behind in Minnesota?

Must we wait for the historians?

crossposted at firedoglake/MyFDL

1 comment:

Phil said...

Go see the completely fucked remainders of Rumsfield's communications with the Pentagon.

It is worse than we imagined.
Way worse and I knew then he was a fucking idiot.
