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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Monday, November 22, 2010

Prairie Recommends: Froomkin on Bush Lies

Dan Froomkin lays out with potent force the craven lies of George W Bush — and those who go along to get along. His The Two Most Essential, Abhorrent, Intolerable Lies Of George W. Bush's Memoir is must reading.

As I reflected in an HP comment,
Having recently toured the Paris Holocaust Museum, it is fresh in my mind how ready nations and people are to deny their own history. Until that history is confronted and acknowledged, there is no honor in the country nor the man. It took until Chirac in France. How long will it take us?

Or will our dumbed-down America keep its blinders on because gosh darn, the boy's done a good job of selling the book, cite GHWB.

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