Could it be?
As Josh notes, Zbigniew Brezezinski (I think it's time I learned to spell that name correctly. I have a hunch we'll be seeing more of ....Zbigniew Brzezinski) posited to Judy Woodruff on Newshour the same question I recently raised about the real source of the Wikileaks drop.
I know, I was being snarky when I wrote this:
There’s an Internet rumor that the Wikileaks leaker is not that kid, he’s just a strawman for the real Leakers, the reincarnated Iraq Study Group, out to force an Iran attack and total undermining of the new Gandhi in the WH.
Some say. It must be so. It’s out there. Right, Cokie?
But now I'm starting to wonder. Hmmmmmmmm.
Maybe Billo ought not be so quick to call for executions.
crossposted at firedoglake