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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Joe Lie-berman and the friendly folk at Fox news have been quick to ramp up the Fort Hood shootings into national security. Hearings to come.

Not to be outdone, Senator John McCain joins in the fray at an event for Mitch McConnell:
"This may sound a little harsh, but I think we ought to make sure that political correctness never impedes national security...."
Nor political opportunism neither, Senators?

Wonder which one of these guys will be first up in the lazy Rolodexes of the Sunday morning gas bag shows?

President Obama set exactly the right tone and the right message in his memorial service comments.

Give the guy due process, convict him and and carry out appropriate punishment.
crossposted at firedoglake's The Seminal

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