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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Monday, December 31, 2007

False-Ps & L'il Smokies

he media would have it that the current political season is some sort of Survivor: USA. A scramble, a horserace, a who's up who's down, who's naughty who's nice sort of game that we can all sit back and watch. Except we can't afford to sit back and watch. Not this time.

Because if there are to be survivors, hey, they be us.

You'll find Bests and Worsts of 2007 all over the Internet and the media. So we'll save you that here. Instead, this note of challenge: Beware the Falsies--the false p's: False Press, False Pundits, False Prophets and Preachers, False Propagandists, False Pollsters, False Politicians, False Presidents.

Seek out truth. Question. Educate yourself. End 2007 in the best way--with renewed resolve for 2008:

Demand better. Be better.

Oh, and as for cocktail wienies--anybody can make 'em. Just glop a cup of grape jelly and a jar of chili sauce in a pan, add Hillshire Farm L'il Smokies and heat thru. The Beltway crowd thinks they know-it-all about cocktail wienies...let's show 'em how wrong they are....

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