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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Amendment's Better'n Yourn

NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg probably thought that if the loophole couldn't be closed now... Well, he probably never imagined, given The Incident in Times Square, that the loophole would not only not be closed, but would be protected by the likes of Lindsay Graham and Susan Collins.

Who would expect U.S. Senators to actually protect the rights of terrorists to buy arms? To selectively support one Amendment while trying to tear down the other? To be so, yes, anti-Constitutional. Anti-law enforcement.

Who's the fool who ever said the Republican party supports law enforcement? Pah!

Or, as commenter Zimzone over at ThinkProgress put it:
Shorter Graham:

We’ll take away your Constitutional rights on Miranda but not your Constitutional right to bear arms.

WTF, indeed.

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