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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Community Banks Just Say...


When a community banker in North Dakota says banking status quo must end, when it's a lead op-ed piece in the state's largest daily, you gotta believe it gets noticed.

Financial reform must be passed into law. And I don't think it's a stretch to presume this banker means now, before North Dakota loses one of the most powerful progressive Democratic Senators to retirement.

Can do, Byron and Kent and Earl?
UPDATE: And spare me the Beltway Conventional Wisdom that oooooh, boogah-boogah, we can't do [fill-in-the-blank] reform because too much is being done already, just because The Village Elders are still stuck back in the era of "can't spit and chew pretzels at the same time...."

It's out there now, Cokie.
crossposted at firedoglake's The Seminal

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