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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hysterical Hillary

In the end, it's not a pretty sight. The hysterical "you like me, you really really must like me" desperation that Hillary has displayed since Tuesday's election and ye-olde-butt-kickin' has been a process that is cringe-inducing.

Start with "the letter"--the demand letter to Senator Obama regarding Florida and Michigan delegates. She can't even be truthful there...why shade now? When the truth was that she, too, agreed to the terms the Democratic Party established when Florida and Michigan, despite warnings, moved their primaries ahead.

It's like the Bosnia sniper fire story: the truth--a First Lady going into a war zone--was impressive on its face. Why did she have to "embellish" events that never happened?

And then there was the mad dash into West Virginia Wednesday so that she could [and I heard her, in her own campaign words, on the radio even out here in the tall timber] talk about "electability" and "hard working people" "working class" "white"...as though, by implication, if you weren't white you didn't work, much less work hard.

For shame.

Playing the race card demeans the whole political process. The Republicans disgraced themselves enough with that, Hillary. Why would you stoop so low? Have you so little faith in yourself to win fair and square? Arguably your tactics are what have cost you this nomination.

Have you so little faith in Senator Obama, in the coalition of the people he's been building throughout this campaign? There's a lot of us who look a lot more like Claire McCaskill than Barack Obama who are enthusiastically supporting his campaign.

Have you so little faith in your fellow Americans?

We owe you nothing, now. Your victories, if they come, in West Virginia and Kentucky will have been purchased with the total public discrediting of your professed integrity...and yes, experience. Because the race card is one experience this country doesn't need any more of.

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