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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's Chinatown, Jake

Last night, snowed under up on the northern prairies, needing a little ol' timey feelgood, we watched Mr. Smith Goes to Washington on TCM.

This morning I'm perusing my deadtree edition of the hometown paper, while it lasts, and a coupla thoughts occur. First, yesterday the front page featured a headline right out of the RNC Propaganda Playbook, courtesy the AP Washington bureau (yeh, I know, surprise, suuuurrrrrppprrrizzzzeee): "Is class warfare in plan?"

They don't even make a pretense of keepin' it on op-ed anymore.

And today, another teeny-tiny wee little article: Gregg aided base he invested in.

Yeh. Judd Gregg. Patron saint of santimonious flip-floppery. But, but, but, he broke no laws, he violated no Senate rules.....

That's the problem, now isn't it. And the sanctimony and hypocrisy play on.

Or as Gordonskene said over at C&L: Who ever said Politics was ethical? It's politics, fer chrissake!
crossposted at firedoglake's Oxdown Gazette

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