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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

...............................................................Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mile Marker 60

There are some mileposts in life which attract special notice, and in the Sunshine family we mark one today. We’re part of the baby boomer generation, we’ve watched nearly half of the 20th Century and all of the 21st so far.

So we’re taking a little stock today. We’ve traded in the Corvair convertible of our youth for the sedate sedan and another set of wheels. Wheels that keep us going day by day.

We watch political pundits and Lemur Kingdom and coverage of war and wonder if any of it signals any evolution at all.

Our children are grown and growing on and a new generation has already arrived and there’s justice in that.

We travel less in planes and more on the Internet and in the recesses of the mind these days, ever thirsty for more and more knowledge and understanding.

Some reach 60 with wisdom and the wrinkles of a life honorably lived and grown into post-middle age. And some merely grow old, using up time, and wither forgotten away.

There’ll be no big party for Mr. Sunshine’s mile marker today, instead there will be the quiet reflection that a waypoint has been reached in life’s unending journey, and that, on this snowy blowy wintry day, in the words of Robert Frost, there are yet miles to go before you sleep....

Happy Birthday!--to the man who’s put the Sunshine in my life for quite a while now. And many, many more. May you always remember to reach for the stars….

How about you? Have you reached a waypoint lately? And have you paused, really paused, to reflect on how far you’ve come... and how much you have yet to discover?


Susan McIntosh Lewis said...

Happy Birthday to Mr. Sunshine! WIshing you both much happiness and peace in your hearts.

Anonymous said...

Ah, we've been waiting for you on the other side of 60, Sunshines. A mahvelous view from here. Enjoy!

Ren/Dave said...

Oh Yes. Happy Birthday from Rene&D and from Pinkie &J. We're all related, don't ya know. We are pulling right up behind you in the 60 sedan. Although I'm quickly running out of fuel. Also metaphors.

Prairie Sunshine said...

Mr. Sunshine and I thank you all for the greetings!